The LEGO Batman Movie is directed by Chris McKay (Robot Chicken) and stars Will Arnett (Arrested Develoment), Michael Cera (Superbad), and Rosario Dawson (Sin City). It tells a different side of the Batman mythology, as he must confront what it means to be hero but also what is means to have a family.
The LEGO Movie is not only one of my favorite animated films, but one of my favorite films period. So when I heard a spin off was taking place, starring my favorite superhero, The LEGO Batman Movie slowly became one of my most anticipated movies of 2017. And the marketing campaign behind it only added to my excitement to finally see the movie.
This movie does not disappoint. It is a near perfect send up of its titular character while still showing him the respect he deserves. With great references to both the Batman world but also pop culture in general, the movie can appeal to those who may not be the biggest fans of Batman. And it keeps the same fun and craziness of the original movie, while also being a unique experience on its own.
The writers and director are obviously well versed in Batman lure and could have easily made the movie mean spirited, but they avoid this and are able satirize the character while still keeping everything above the belt. If I had to find a problem in the movie, it could be the predicability of the ending, but because the movie was technically made for kids it is easy to see why they had to go this route.
Visually, the movie is a treat to look at. It has layers upon layers of detail to watch and I feel like it could definitely be worth viewing a second time just to watch what is going on in the background. And the visual nods to the past Batman films were enjoyable as well. Some of the concepts took a second to click in my mind, proving that the movie is smarter than most animated films that come out.
The LEGO Batman Movie lived up to the hype that I had set in mind, which I didn't think would be possible. It felt like Deadpool but made for kids in the best way possible and the movie is much better than anything that has been put out as a part of the DC Extended Universe.
When should you watch it?
Opening Night
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